the week


" Dwayne Ellis fuck you you non believer fag" 

I pulled that off the internet, taken from the comment section of an article on a Christian Motorbike club. 

That one sentence, that is what's wrong with America.
( auditory component of brakes squealing) 

No. I don't say things like " urgdhy higgledy woo , etc, is ' What's Wrong With  America." .       
Mostly. I am cautious about making such over confident statements as they may pigeonhole and define my insecurities for my friends and readers, and the general public. When I am feeling fearful, angry and unsure of myself, I try to alleviate these feelings by judging people and labelling them clearly in order to make myself feel more powerful. Again, I tend to keep the expository nature of these feelings under wraps. 
   I saw a video with Jane Goodall where she stated that if she could , without causing any pain, reduce the worlds population in order to alleviate the groaning demands on the worlds resources and the suffering caused by scarcity.    

   If I could re-contextualize her words to imply that she would prefer to cause pain, as the meddlesome monkey loving evil doer that she is , I could say that she suggested a violent, instant  death to all people who post confusing , so obviously contradictory statements in defence of their belief systems. As soon as @hiswrath69 types the words ' die u scum what good are you anyway fairy' , Supreme Leader Janes' automated OperationFury returns with ' thank you for your contribution to PopulationReduction'. Termination begins shortly. Goodbye.' 

  The above was a little example of  aggression and the underlying silliness of reactive policies. However, in all seriousness: Reading is like entering an empathy machine. The moment we chose to invest time, whether it is two minutes or two hours, we enter the portal , a disconnected connection to others. To read words that are the verbal equivalent of face slaps,.. I don't know how any of us can get used to that. How can anyone encourage others to commit suicide, or tell others that they are worthless, useless, etc, in such volume that it is it has become the norm? It is not normal to wake up , check online to see who has pissed you off by their existence, and to type the words ' please kill yourself' .  Admittedly, I have laughed myself hoarse over some statements that are really at their word, darkly awful . Perhaps it was the ridiculous syntax, the pure brute rhythm I've found in the timing, or the instant, disruptive explosion that happens in my brain, imagining the imagery or the writer. I enjoy a good curmudgeon, if they are creative. Yet, a person who chooses to publicly wish ill on another human being is not well. 

  There is something in this opinion piece, the fact that it is just an opinion, that it has been said before, that, I am fully aware, is slightly naive. A talisman, a symbolic 'No' to the tide of shit that is relentless in its inevitability.  
    Perhaps I am a woman of faith, after all. 





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